Sunday, June 11, 2023

Why Inventory?

Library inventory. The task that some library media specialists dread at the end of every school year. It is important that this task is not skipped even though it is tedious or it feels like there isn't time. Having an accurate inventory of your collection will guarantee agreement between your physical collection and its documented status in your catalog. There is nothing worse than searching for a book in the catalog and then not being able to find it on the shelf. It is embarrassing when you don't know where library materials are, after all that is part of your responsibility!

Besides having an accurate account of library materials, an inventory can:
  • check in books that were shelved before being checked in.
  • updates the book status from lost to available when a lost book has been located.
  • identify materials missing from the collection.
  • identify materials to be repaired or weeded.
  • keep Union Catalog records up-to-date.
Traditionally, school library media specialists think the end of the year is the time to conduct an inventory. It is beneficial at the end of the school year because the next year will start fresh, but it does not always have to happen at this time. Full or partial inventories can be started and completed at any time. Completing inventory of one section every year can be quicker and easier.

In Destiny, you can conduct partial inventories by call number, circulation type, or subsections. You can also still check out library materials in Destiny while an inventory is taking place. This means that you are able to conduct partial inventories at any time during the school year.

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